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Useful Phone Codes

How to increase number of rings before call goes to answerphone / voicemail on Vodafone NZ:

Dial in the following prior to pressing "Send / Call" button, will increase time to 30 seconds before answerphone:

**61*021700100*11*30# [send]

Very handy! As I understand it, this might not work for PrePay users, and might require you to be "On Account".

Turn off Caller ID temporarily (for telecom land-lines), dial this before dialing:

0197 [wait for new dial tone then dial]

This will turn it off until you hangup - just the one call.

Dialing the "revertive" - used for testing your landline ringer works:

137 [hangup]

How to display your phones IMEI number (its like a phone serial number):

*#06# [send or it should show automatically]

Telecom Landline Voicemail:


Vodafone Voicemail when called from another phone:

707 [from working mobile]

+64 21 700 700 [from anywhere]

Posted by tomachi on December 7th, 2009 filed in Technology