EASY are hitting Tabac this Friday for post-RWC-launch madness
This just in: EASY are playing a gig at Tabac tonight, the same night as the launch of the infamous Rugby World Suck! Sorry actually I'm freaking loving the crazy Rugbyfication that Auckland city has seen recently in the lead to the RWC. Also, I just heard Dam Native may be doing a little gig / practice at the House of Taonga salon on Sunday, but that's not finalised atm.
This Tabac show we go on at midnight sharp and we finish at 1am. $10 on the doors at 9pm, $5 for students. Other acts are . Tabac is at 6 Mills Lane (pedestrian lane off Queen, between Customs and Wydnham).
Saturday 24 September |
EASY @ Ponsonby Market Day
We normally set the band up outside Golden Dawn / Clothesline, corner of Richmond Rd and Ponsonby Rd. |
Saturday 8 October |
Dam Native @ Leigh Sawmill |
Saturday 8 October |
EASY @ Aotearoa Rhyme Summit

Key: |
A band I play drums for |
A band I think are The Bomb |
Interesting Event/Multimedia |
Videos o' the moment:

EASY IAMTV Interview.