Auckland Music Update
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Che Fu tonight

Both Pluto and Che Fu are doing their album release parties tonight, so its a tough choice. Pluto is at Galatos, and Che is at St James with Manuel Bundy. The Roughness are planning the massive comeback gig. It will be a one time only gig in mid-November.

Fri 28th Sept
  The Mercenaries with Lucid3   The Kings Arms, 59 France St, Newton.

Site o' the day:
Also not to be missed is the GE march, Saturday 12pm, QEII Square downtown Auckland. Read the cutting scientific rebuttle made by Dr Mae-Wan Ho at (click on the Open Letter to read it), he talks about viral vectors and how they have evolved over millions of years to not entirely kill their host... These same viral vectors taken out of context are more promiscuous and could cause sideways gene transfer many years after release, and thats not really a good thing. Its risky. Not to say that standing in the sun isn't risky, but if ya get skin cancer its your own problem. Human impact is our Gaia's cancer.

Picture o' the day:

Thats pretty kewl.

Ethic-Eze - Has pimping for the man got you tossing and turning?

Buy Natalie single by EASY


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Dam Native

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