Auckland Music Update
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10pm Tonite

The Roughness @ Safari Lounge


Summer Series was a great success, we had 3 video cameras and a DAT audio recorder grabbing the show. I plan to edit the footage and put out a DVD or V-CD with it. As if its not obvious enough from the graphic above, the main reason for this update is to let you know about the gig at Safari Tonight, and this friday at Deschlers.

Thu 1st Mar 10pm
Roughness The Safari Lounge, Ponsonby Rd, Auckland.
Fri 2nd Mar 11pm
Foghorn Deschlers Bar, High St, Auckland.
Thu 15th Mar 8:30pm
Foghorn Rakinos Cafe, High St, Auckland.
Thu 29th Mar 10pm
Roughness The Safari Lounge, Ponsonby Rd, Auckland.
Sat 31st Mar 10pm
Spargo Deschlers Bar, High St, Auckland.

Site of the week:

My flatmate Sam Wheeler made up a site with shots from the Summer Series:

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