Auckland Music Update
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Dam Native at Kings Arms this Saturday!

$10 entry - pretty sweet. Kings Arms - also good, listen: bfm ad mp3 clip.mp3

But who are Hangman, the support band, you ask? They sound pretty good from their myspace tracks, kinda like Rage Against The Machine crossed with... but I digress. These guys actually organised the gig, massive props to them.

After crashing the Red Bull webserver with heavy native music (i think our songs were too long said the engineer), the full 5 clips are now loaded available on the Dam Native section of the Red Bull site. Funny thing is, since then we have been hard out in the practise space lowering the tempos, tightening bits up, honing and crafting them to be even tougher than in these clips above. So get down to the Kings Arms this sat and check it out!

12 July 2008  

Dam Native @ The Kings Arms
with Hangman and The Skinks

  The Kings Arms, 59 France St Newton.
15 August 2008  

Red Bull Sound ClashElemeno P vs Open Souls @ The Red Bull SoundClash
I have two free double passes for this to giveaway in the next few updates, so stay tuned! Should be a good gig.

  The Powerstation, Mt Eden.
  A band I play drums for
  A band I think are The Bomb
  Interesting Event/Multimedia

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Dam Native

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