Auckland Music Update
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one mills at Khuja this wednesday

Wed 15h May
One Million Dollars iKhuja Lounge, top of Queen St.
Sat 1st June
SJD Band (True Colours) Vulcan Lane, downtown akl.
Wed 5th June
  One Million Dollars   Galatos Bar, 17 Galatos St, Newton.

Be sure to checkout the new amplifier site. I've upload my new "tomachi" material to this location:

Site 'o the Day:
Doesn't have anything to do with music, but these dudes discovered little blobs of quarks which pass through earth and come out again!

Here is an excerpt from the article:
They found two such events, both in 1993. The first in October when seismometers recorded a violent event in Antarctica that packed a punch of several thousand tons of TNT. The disturbance then ripped through Earth exiting through the floor of the Indian Ocean 26 seconds later - implying a speed of 900,000mph"

Buy Natalie single by EASY


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It contains interesting and funky music events around Auckland area - usually just the gigs of bands I'm in or that I like.

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Dam Native

Gig guides:


bFM Entertainment Guide Online

NZ music:

Amplifier - NZs best MP3 site

NZ Music Website

Custom Rust - Custom made bass guitars